

Scope have had significant growth since we started, so we felt that the time was right to document, develop and integrate a CSR and Cultural Framework strategy into everything we do. We have kept it simple, identifying our strategy, our purpose, values and behaviours to create cultural building blocks, with strong foundations, enabling our sustainable growth. We aim for it to support everything from decision making, action orientation, to developing our brand in the wider marketplace of what is important to us and what drives us to deliver great performance each day.

Our Strategy

We aspire to be the construction partner of choice for commercial development projects >£1m in the Midlands, due to our excellent customer service and operational delivery, ensuring Zero Harm and Social Value Development in everything we do.

Our Purpose

Caring for the local community, supporting charity and enabling an inclusive and diverse workplace are fundamental to Scope.  Having the best teams, that are trusted by our customers to go above and beyond and deliver our promises.  With honest, open and transparent communication always, especially where things go wrong. We believe that strong communication is important in good times, but business critical in bad times, so we encourage all of our teams to openly share good news fast, and bad news faster. Once shared, ownership of the problem and the delivery of a solution is clear, enabling the customer to know it will all be resolved. Supporting local young talent to join the industry knowing that there is a great future for them in our sector.

Our Values

Customer Driven​
We put the customer first in everything we do, going above and beyond to ensure their expectations are managed and our promises are delivered. At the same time we are not being afraid to tackle difficult conversations and decisions with them to drive the best outcome for the project.

Ethical Operations
Small, nimble, flexible with a focus on the wider community and environment that we operate in ensuring the right decisions are made for each project, whilst taking care of our teams in terms of health & safety. We recognise that without the health & safety of our teams, we do not have a business and therefore we commit significant resources to ensuring a Safety First Culture, enabling our commitment to Zero Harm.​

Breadth and Depth of Experience
Our core management team have c50 years of experience in the sector, but it is our passion for excellence that sets us apart from the competition.

Leading from the Front
People. Passion. Perfection. That is what we stand for. Our Directors are “hands on” in the business and in strategic projects. Visible. Accountable. Accessible. We are the experts and we aim to inspire and motivate not just our teams, but young talent looking to enter the sector. Investing in the development of our teams through training, development, coaching and more enables us to ensure we grow our team capabilities as our business grows to promote from within wherever possible.

Trusted Partner
We not only deliver on our promise, we have a reputation of going above and beyond.

Social Value
We consider the local community and environmental impact of our operations, acting with care and responsibility in our day to day decision making.  We continue to strive towards improving this through our Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy.

Our Behaviours

Taking Ownership & Action Orientation​
Committed to deliver our promises. Ensure our plans are well executed, with strong communication throughout, taking accountability of problems, identifying solutions and having ownership of delivery. Leveraging strengths across site and Head Office teams.

Above and Beyond
​Being passionate about our projects, our customers and our teams. Going the extra mile for our customers and our teams is part of our DNA. It is part of ethos and culture.

Can do Attitude
​Things can go wrong. How we deal with it sets us apart from the competition. Positivity, open mindedness, ownership, out of the box thinking, and leadership at all levels is encouraged.

Continuous Improvement
Being open to change, development, learning and feedback is fundamental to growth, both business and personal. We recognise the importance of challenging our thinking, encouraging the right change, and inspiring open and honest feedback. This together with a culture of celebrating success we understand enables employee engagement and motivation.

Diverse Thinking​
We acknowledge that everyone has a part to play in making the business a success. Fresh, new ideas are encouraged, and we recognise the benefits a diverse workforce can bring. We believe in challenging the status quo across our teams.

Charitable Support

It may not sound like a lot in terms of numbers of activities, however we are a corporate partner of Wishes 4 Kids. Wishes 4 Kids has been created to grant a wish for children and youngsters in Leicestershire who are life limited, terminally ill, have experienced life-changing physical or emotional traumas and have suffered major abuse. The Charity grants wishes for those of eighteen years and below. Scope raised £20,000 in 2021 via a SkyDive to raise funds for this charity. 5 members of the Scope team did the SkyDive. This fundraising went towards more than 20 wishes to be fulfilled for the kids that were being supported.

Yes this was one event, however the manpower required to support this initiative and raise these funds was a significant investment by the company.

Moving forwards, Scope are committed to continuing to support Wishes 4 Kids in 2022. And supporting another Leicester charity – Hope Against Cancer. Hope Against Cancer’s focus is to beat cancer rather than manage the consequences. They prioritise research for early detection, treatment and prevention of cancer. At Hope they believe that a strong local research charity has strong benefits for local patients now and in the future. They work for the people of Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland, working in partnership with local universities and hospitals. They fund cutting-edge research so that Leicestershire remains a hub of expertise in cancer research and treatment.

The Environment

Being in construction, what we build and how we build it has a significant impact on the environment. This impact is often dictated by the client or their architect in terms of materials used, sourcing of materials etc. However, Scope will always ensure advice is given to the client and their architect to make environmentally sustainable decisions. This ethos in our general approach to projects has come across in abundance. One project is being managed under BIM (Building Information Modelling) technology which enables us to coordinate activities at design stage to make the build more efficient and cost effective. Recently appointed on a Barn Conversion “The Paddocks” that will be working toward Zero Carbon initiatives which has been fully documented and will be featured on Channel 5 in summer 2022. At Hilltop, we have used modern methods of offsite construction. This consumes less energy and is more environmentally friendly in the production, reduces the carbon footprint, creates minimum waste, with less being sent to landfill. In addition, energy consumption and the running costs of the home will be significantly lower. What A Goal Complex, featured in the Real Entrepreneurs magazine is another project focussed at creating an environmentally friendly build, with local contractors and local suppliers.

In addition to this we have other environmental initiatives such as recycling of all our materials. 80% of office waste is recycled and we are aiming to increase this to 90%. Site materials we ensure do not go to landfill. For example, earth removed from foundations are redeployed elsewhere on plots. In addition, all packaging etc from the build will be returned to office and recycled. Moving forwards we would like to measure the number of tonnes we reduce, recycle and reuse to know the impact of our operations on the environment as well as set targets to improve within our own operations and that of our supply chain. Locally sourced materials. Aimed to reduce carbon footprint. In fact, 100% of our suppliers are local. Over time we would like to understand the wider supply chain of our suppliers, as we know that some of their materials may come from abroad and UK alternatives could be considered.